? DSP TU Command Line Interface Each command consists of a command string, and zero or more parameters. Parameters are tab delimited, and the command is terminated with a carriage return. Commands take effect immediately. They can be saved to be reloaded on the next power cycle. If no parameter is given, the current value of the parameter is returned. If a command is not recognized, an error message is shown along with a hash of the command. Commands ARE case sensitive! In the list below, the default value of each parameter is shown along with a description of the command. AfskOutputContinuous 0 If nonzero, the AFSK output is active in both transmit and receive. If zero, the output is only active in transmit. AgcLpfF 1.0 Set the frequency of the AGC control loop low pass filter. A lower number makes the AGC respond more slowly AgcMaxGain 15.0 The maximum gain the AGC will achieve with no input signal AgcTargetLevel 0.6 The AGC adjusts its gain to yield this output level to the remainder of the demodulator Autostart 1 1 enables autostart. 0 disables autostart. If autostart is enabled, loop will not be keyed unless motor LED is lit due to presence of qualified signal (above MarkHoldThresh and AutostartGoodChars received). AutostartGoodChars 10 How many sequential good characters to trigger autostart AutostartShutdownSeconds 30 Integer number of seconds after loss of mark tone when motor is shut down AutostartThresh 0.5 Discriminator threshold (mark level minus space level) that will start motor. Too low a level can give false starts on noise. Too high a level can keep the motor from starting on a weak signal. If the Input BPF is enabled this is typically set to 0.5. This level can be set low if AutostartGoodChars is greater than 5 or so since noise will cause a bad character (bad stop bit) keeping the required number of good sequential characters to not be met. BaudRate 45.45 The transmit baud rate in bits per second. Used to set the speed of the Baudot UART and tone filter bandwidths. DataLpfBwBrMult 1.0 Multiply this by Baud Rate to get the bandwidth (cutoff frequency) of the data low pass filters (one eacj for mark amd s[ace). DTC 1 1 enables Dynamic Threshold Control; 0 disables. Enable for "AM Demodulation", where the limiter is disabled. InputBpfBwShiftMult 1.0 Input BPF Bandwidth is shift times this. KOS 1 1 enables Keyboard Operated Send. 0 disables. KosDropSeconds 3.0 How many seconds after the last typed character until the transceiver is switched from transmit to receive. LoadDefaultConfig No parameters. Loads default configuration. LoadSavedConfig No parameters. Loads the configuration saved to external flash. MarkHoldThresh 0.3 Sustained discriminator levels below this threshold put the demodulator in mark to avoid printing on noise. If the Input LPF is enabled, this is typically increased to 0.5 MarkHoldDisableSecs 2.0 How many seconds to disable mark hold after receiving mark above MarkHoldThresh. This allows a higher threshold to prevent noise from printing when no signal present, but keeps mark hold from interfering with printing during a fade. modem No parameters. Switches USB terminal to the Baudot UART to transmit and receive data. ESC returns to the command interpreter. NarrowHfEq 0.0 How many dB to boost the high tone level over the low tone level when running narrow shift. Can be positive or negative. NarrowShiftCenterFreq 2210.0 Mean of Mark and Space frequencies for tone filters and tone generator. NarrowShiftHz 170.0 Difference between Mark and Space frequencies. System sets Mark frequency to Center-(Shift/2) and Space to Center+(Shift/2) unless MarkHi is enabled, reversing these tones. NoLoop 0 Allows operation without a loop supply, instead using the software uart and USB. If NoLoop = 1, KOS and AFSK generation will ignore the lack of loop current. PrintConfig No parameters. Prints the current system configuration. PrintRxReport Prints the number of received characters (valid start bits), the number of bad characters (bad stop bit), and the percentage error. If a parameter of zero is used, clears counters after printing report. Also, report can be transmitted by typing !ER on Teletype or on terminal when in modem mode (terminal to Baudot AFSK). Note also that a transmit to receive transition resets the counters. PrintSavedConfig No parameters. Prints saved configuration. Reset No parameters. Loops until WDT times out (1.024 seconds), resetting system. SaveConfig No parameters. Saves the current configuration to external flash to be loaded on next power up. TimeoutCounterMin No parameters. Used to determine if we are getting to audio samples in time. Should be zero. ToneFilterBwBrMult 1.7 The BaudRate is multiplied by this value to yield the bandwidth of the tone filters. This is set to the lowest value possible that results in full discriminator swing in 1/2 bit time UseAgc 1 0 disables AGC. 1 enables AGC sampling input data to set gain. Users may choose to use the limiter instead of the AGC. With either the limiter or the AGC, the Input BPF should be used to keep the limiter or AGC from being taken over by off-frequency signals. UseInputBpf 1 1 enables the input bandpass filter; 0 disables it. The input BPF may be useful on narrow shift especially if the limiter is used (instead of the AGC) to prevent other signals from taking over the limiter. UseLimiter 0 1 enables the limiter; 0 disables it. Users may choose to use the limiter (FM demodulation) or the AGC (AM demodulation). WideHfEq 0.0 How many dB to boost the high tone level over the low tone level when running wide shift. Can be positive or negative. WideShift 0 1 selects wide shift (tyipcally 850 Hz). 0 selects narrow shift (typically 170 Hz).) WideShiftCenterFreq 2000.0 As described for NarrowShiftCenterFreq, this sets the Mark/Space center frequency when wide shift is selected. WideShiftHz 850.0 As described for NarrowShiftHz, this sets the difference between the Mark and Space frequencies. >