EZNEC Analysis of 30 Foot Vertical

The 30 foot vertical was modeled using EZNEC PRO 7.0. The included "Vertical Over Real Ground" was used as a starting point. The following changes were made:

The frequency was set to the middle of each of the bands from 160 meters through 10 meters. The far field elevation plot was generated. The driving point impedance was determined from the Source window.

160 Meters

F = 1.900 MHz
Z = 1.483 - J 805.4 ohms

80 Meters

F = 3.750 MHz
Z = 6.143 - J 341.7 ohms

60 Meters

F = 5.3685 MHz
Z = 13.78 - J 169.3 ohms

40 Meters

F = 7.150 MHz
Z = 28.29 - J 40.91 ohms

30 Meters

F = 10.125 MHz
Z = 83.93 + J 143.1 ohms

20 Meters

F = 14.175 MHz
Z = 492.2 + J 409.8 ohms

17 Meters

F = 18.110 MHz
Z = 217.4 - J 403 ohms

15 Meters

F = 21.225 MHz
Z = 53.61 - J 153.3 ohms

12 Meters

F = 24.930 MHz
Z = 66.46 + J 45.17 ohms

10 Meters

F = 28.850 MHz
Z = 261.4 + J 217.4 ohms